How do I refer my new employer to use Collegia for Automatic Enrolment purposes?
If you want to refer your new employer to use Collegia as the workplace pension provider, you would need to login in your Collegia personal account first. You would have to go to the hamburger menu in the top right and then click on "Refer your employer". You can then search for the legal name of your employer and add the email address of the person who is responsible for HR and pensions. Our sales team then will get in touch with them and try to get them to use Collegia as the workplace pensionSome readersHow do I view my Auto Enrolment contributions history?
To view your Auto Enrolment contributions history per each employer with which you are automatically enrolled, please follow the steps on the video below.Some readersIs there a deadline for opting out and getting a refund?
Yes, there is a 30-day deadline since the enrolment date for opting out and getting a refund. The enrolment date is the date in which you received the welcome email/New Automatic Enrolment connection emails from After this period, your contributions will go directly to your pension pot, and you will have access to it when you turn 55 years old (57 since 2028).Few readersWho will be automatically enrolled?
Whether you work full-time or part-time, your employer will have to enrol you in a workplace pension scheme if you meet these auto enrolment rules: you work in the UK (including seafarers residing in the UK) you aren’t already in a suitable workplace pension scheme you are at least 22 years old, but under State Pension age you earn more than £10,000 a year for the tax year 2024/25 As long as you meet these auto enrolment conditions, you’ll also be covered if: you’re on a short-term coFew readersWhat happens if I opt out of the pension scheme?
If you choose to opt-out of the pension scheme, you will forfeit valuable benefits, including employer contributions and government top-ups. It's important to consider the long-term impact on your retirement savings before making a decision. Please note that Collegia does not provide tax advice so if you are not sure please make sure that you contact and Independent Financial Adviser.Few readersWhat is Automatic Enrolment?
Automatic enrolment is a UK legislation where an employee who meets certain requirements is made a member of a workplace pension scheme without needing to ask to be part of it. In the past, it was up to workers to decide whether they wanted to join their employer’s pension scheme. But since 2012, employers have been gradually required to automatically enrol their eligible workers into a workplace pension scheme. As a result, lots more people are able to build up savings that they can use to proFew readersWhat happens if I do not submit a valid opt-out notice?
If you don't submit a valid opt-out notice, the pension deductions will continue from your salary, and you will remain enrolled in the pension scheme. A valid opt out notice is required according to The Pensions Regulator.Few readersHow much will I have to contribute for Automatic Enrolment?
There is a minimum total amount that has to be contributed by you, your employer, and the government (in the form of tax relief). These minimums are generally: 5% from you (which includes tax relief) and 3% from your employer. The minimum contribution applies to anything you earn over £6,240 up to a limit of £50,270 (in the tax year 2024/25). This slice of your earnings is known as ‘qualifying earnings’. So, if you were earning £18,000 a year, your minimum contribution would be a percentage oFew readersWhy do you have my details if I have not signed up directly?
We received your details from the company/payroll agency you are working for. They provided us with your information to fulfil their legal obligations. Your details include name, surname, email address, date of birth and residential address.Few readersDo I have any choice about being automatically enrolled?
Members who fulfil the Automatic Enrolment criteria are automatically enrolled without their consent according to the UK legislation. Please note that you cannot opt out preemptively but you can opt out of your employer’s workplace pension scheme after you’ve been enrolled. Legally speaking, you are automatically enrolled when you receive the welcome email from us at But if you do opt out, you’ll lose out on your employer’s contribution to your pension, as well as the goverFew readersWhy am I enrolled in the pension scheme even if I did not sign up for it?
You were enrolled automatically into the pension scheme because of the UK Automatic Enrolment legislation, which requires every single company in the UK to provide its workforce with a workplace pension scheme. This applies regardless of the company size, revenues, sector and geography.Few readersWhen did Automatic Enrolment start?
Automatic Enrolment has been introduced in stages since 2012. The largest employers started first, followed by medium-sized and then small employers. All employers, including new employers, should now be part of automatic enrolment. If you haven’t yet been enrolled in a scheme or been offered one, talk to your employer and find out why.Few readers