How do I change my investment allocation?
There are 2 ways in which you can change your investment approach. First of all, please login in your Collegia personal account. You can change your expected retirement date. You go to the "Expected retirement age" and then you can select the expected retirement age you wish You can change your investment approach. You click in "understand your investment" in the "Investment Approach" section, you will be able to select among 5 different approaches (Sustainable, Standard, Islamic Finance, HSome readersWhat is the Collegia approach to Sustainability and ESG?
Collegia believes they impact the performance of the investments. For that reason, we chose a Money Manager that actively considers them in the investment process. All investments are made under the UN Principles for Responsible Investment and ESG factors are integrated into the research and investment process. As a consequence, the Collegia pension seeks to exclude industries associated to high ESG risk (controversial businesses) such as: alcohol, tobacco, gambling, adult entertainment, firearmSome readersWhat is the Collegia Investment Approach?
Collegia partners with Alliance Bernstein because they take Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) into consideration when making their investments. ESG can be broadly defined and sometimes very confusing. Nonetheless, we believe that it’s important to direct investments to companies that are actively trying to cope with societal and environmental challenges we face, regardless of industry.Some readersHow is my money invested?
For the Collegia Sustainable Target Date Funds and the Collegia Target Date Funds, we partner with the money manager AllianceBernstein (AB). They are one of the world’s biggest money managers (with over $650 billion under management) and, most importantly, have an extensive expertise in investment management and pensions (in fact, since 1967). AB are pioneers in target date funds (TDFs). These are financial instruments in which different people with the same expected retirement date combine theiSome readersWhat is the default option?
If your company has enrolled you into Automatic Enrolment, the default option is where your money will be invested automatically, even if you don’t provide any additional information and decide not to access your pension.Some readersWhat is a Target Date Fund?
Target Date Funds (TDFs) are financial instruments in which different people with the same expected retirement date combine their money together to gain the advantages of being part of a large group. In TDFs, your investments are more adventurous at the beginning of your career. As you approach retirement, they become more cautious.Few readersI want to understand more about the Collegia approach to investments, where can I find additional information?
If you want to understand more about the Collegia investment approach, please go to the link There you will find also the funds factsheets where you will find more information about each fund. Please note that there are in total 47 funds you can access from the Collegia platform.Few readers