What benefits can I take from my pension?
You can take both a tax-free lump sum and an income from your pension. A tax-free lump-sum You can usually take up to 25% of the value of your pension as a tax-free lump sum, called a pension commencement lump sum. Income from your pension You can use the full value of your pension, or the remainder if you take a tax-free lump sum, to either:Some readersWhat is a pension and do I need one?
A pension is a type of financial product that has generous tax benefits because the government wants to encourage people to have one, so they reward you with 25% tax relief on the money you save. There are a few different types of pension. Collegia operates a type of defined contribution personal pension, which gives you the most control over where your money is invested. The big difference is that if you’re self-employed, you’re left on your own to plan your pension, and you won’t get contributFew readersCan i access my Collegia pension pot, if I am ill?
If you have health conditions you might be able to access your pension. In cases of serious ill health where your life expectancy is less than one year, you might be able to take all your pension as a tax-free lump sum. You’ll need to provide supporting medical evidence if you want to access your pension due to ill health.Few readers